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Apa Jenis Muslim Yang Diikuti Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali adalah seorang Muslim Sufi. Di dalam video ini, beliau mengambil bay'at Tarekat Naqsybandi bersama Syekh Hisyam Kabbani. Beliau menerima Syekh Nazim sebagai mursyidnya. Sufi adalah Muslim yang berjuang untuk menyempurnakan akhlak mereka dengan mengikuti petunjuk seorang mursyid yang membimbingnya menuju Ihsan. Ini adalah jalannya Sayyidina Muhammad (saw).

Muhammad Ali is a Sufi Muslim. In this video he is taking initiation in the the Naqshbandi Sufi path with Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. He is accepting Shaykh Nazim as his spiritual guide. Sufis are Muslims who strive to perfect their manners, through following the guide who teaches them the way to moral excellence. This is the way of Sayyidna Muhammad (pbuh).

What Type of Muslim is Mohammad Ali
Muhammad Ali is a Sufi Muslim. In this video he is taking initiation in the the Naqshbandi Sufi path with Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. He is accepting Shaykh Nazim as his spiritual guide. Sufis are Muslims who strive to perfect their manners, through following the guide who teaches them the way to moral excellence. This is the way of Sayyidna Muhammad (pbuh).
Posted by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani on Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Muhammad Ali adalah satu-satunya orang yang namanya tidak diletakkan dijalan lantai Hollywood untuk menghormati nama Nabi Muhammad (saw) sehingga tidak di injak-injak orang yang lewat.

I remember one afternoon around 1986 in Hadji Mustafa's shop in Peckham, him returning with Sheikh Nazim in his red Toyota grocers van where they had just been to visit Muhammad Ali and his entourage at a hotel in West London.

Bending on his knees, Muhammad Ali had taken bayat with Sheikh Nazim many years previously, but Muhammad Ali wanted to ask Sheikh's nasihah (Advice) to help with the Parkinson's disease he had just been diagnosed with.

Sheikh Nazim had confirmed that his Parkinson's disease was brought about by the injections the U.S. army had given him to silence him about his very loud protests about fighting in the unjust Vietnam War, for which he was sentenced to five years in prison and stripped of his titles and licence to box. He eventually got all of them back!

After asking Sheikh Nazim for help with his Parkinson's disease in 1986, I remember reading an account shortly afterwards by the Daily Telegraph correspondent to the Middle East who had seen Muhammad Ali in a very poor state almost being carried onto the plane bound for Damascus, and the same correspondent just happened to be on the same flight six weeks later where Muhammad Ali walked onto the flight unaided carrying his own baggage.

The Daily Telegraph correspondent said there was a huge spirituality about Muhammad Ali as he sat awake overnight during the flight back to London bathed in the overhead light above his seat reading Qur'an and Salawat's the whole night long. He had been given a special diet and 40 days fasting in Damascus and a wird of special recitations to make daily as a part of his treatment by Sheikh Nazim, and the amazing results were witnessed by all who saw the before and after effect. Sheikh's treatment of fasting and special wird undoubtedly slowed the rapid progress this disease was making on him, and gave him a quality of life he could not have hoped for otherwise.

Maybe it's suitable that this very beautiful Lion of Allah has the closing words which just like his boxing style, continue to run circles around his opponents, as he passed over to eternal bliss on this holy night in the Holy Prophet's month of Sha'ban on the eve of Ramadhan

Al Fatiha

Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raaji'uun
Al-Fatihah ila ruuhi Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali dilaporkan meninggal dunia dalam usia 74 tahun pada Jumat, 3 Juni 2016 waktu setempat.

Ali juga diketahui telah menderita penyakit Parkinson selama lebih dari 32 tahun. Penyakit tersebut diketahui 3 tahun setelah pensiun dari ring tinju. Namun dalam dua tahun terakhir, ia diserang penyakit gangguan pernapasan atau pneumonia dan sering keluar masuk rumah sakit.

Muhammad Ali terlahir di kota Louisville, 17 Januari 1942, Ali sukses menyabet medali emas Olimpiade di kelas berat ringan pada usia 18 tahun. Pada 1964, dia kembali mengejutkan mata dunia dengan keluar sebagai juara dunia kelas berat usai mengalahkan Sonny Liston.

Tak lama kemudian dia mengganti namanya menjadi Muhammad Ali setelah memutuskan untuk memeluk agama Islam. Ali akhirnya memutuskan gantung sarung tinju pada 1981 dan tiga tahun kemudian, dia diagnosis menderita Parkinson.

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